Are you a Cognitive Science, Philosophy, Psychology, or Science & Technology major with an interest in health professions? Discover how your degree can pave the way for a meaningful career in healthcare!
Mercedes Paredes, Associate Professor, Neurology, University of California, San Francisco, presents "Never Too Late to the Game: Molecular Mapping of the Neonatal Brain".
Peter Pellitier, Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Biology, Stanford University, presents "Ectomycorrhizal Fungal Traits and The Making of Future Forests".
Darren Minier, Director of Animal Welfare and Research, Conservation Society of California, Oakland Zoo, presents "Animal Welfare and Wildlife Recover Research at Oakland Zoo".
Dr. R Holland Cheng, Professor, University of California, Davis, presents “Protein modularity in a quaternary capsid for mucosal targeting: a journey of structure-based discovery from bench to bedside”.
Marko Jovanovic, Associate Professor, Columbia University, presents “How RNA binding protein interactions drive post-transcriptional gene expression regulation”.
Dr. Stephen Welch, Kansas State University, presents "Genotype-to-Phenotype Prediction By Melding Machine Learning, Genomics, and Biophysical Crop Growth Models: Strategies and Issues".